Our meeting and AGM will be held:
Date: May 4th, 2023
Place: Pinawa Club – Pinawa MB.
Time: (Optional dinner and fellowship starting at 6:00pm) Meeting at 7:00pm
Our AGM will see nominations for our BOARD and COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON roles
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Maintenance Director
- Grooming Director
- Director at Large (up to 3)
Committee Chairperson Roles
- Raffle Coordinator
- Winners Choice Raffle Coordinator
- Club Ride Coordinator
- Pubic Relations Coordinator
- Club Event Coordinator
- if you are wishing to accept nomination to continue in your current role
- if you would like to seek another position on our board
TRAIL GUARDIAN & SHELTER HOSTS – please confirm by return email
- if you plan to continue in your role next season
- if you would like to accept a nomination for another role on our BOARD
GENERAL MEMBERSHIP – please advise by return email
- if you would like to let your name stand for any of our BOARD positions
- if you would like to volunteer or any of our COMMITTEE roles
Hope to see you on May 4th
John Fleming
Eastman SnoPals Inc
Box 1167
Lac du Bonnet, Mb R0E 1A0
(204) 451-0481